Groove quantise packs

Groove Quantise
vol 1
Brand new collection of Groove Quantise presets in Midi format for Steinberg Cubase - All neatly tagged & named for simple drag & drop into your Quantise Panel. All the classic shuffles & grooves from a plethora of classic Drum Machines, to give your Drum productions that KILLER edge. The pack includes:
222 Midi Groove presets from Classic Groove Boxes & vintage hardware such as :
Roland TR 909
Jomox XBase 09
Akai MPC 60
Akai MPC 2000XL
Akai MPC 4000
Oberheim DX
Ensoniq ASR -10
EMU SP1200
Apple Logic A-F
The pack also includes over 100 Style Grooves for genre specific production grooves in various Styles & genres like:
Afro Shuffle - Hip Hop - Breakbeat - R& B- Cool Jazz - Afro Poly- Rhythm - Blues - Funk - Swing - South American - Drum & Bass ..etc... Over 40 Humanise Grooves pushing & pulling your Drum Beats into where they should be: Locked down Tight!
(8th/16th/32nd Grooves where appropriate)
Please Note CUBASE 5.0 or higher is required for this pack.
Our Groove Quantise CPR is compatible with Cubase 5 - all the way thru to Cubase 13 pro
The Files has been opened with the following latest more common versions :
Cubase Pro 7 +
Cubase Pro 8. +
Cubase 8.5 +
Cubase Pro 9.0 +
Cubase 9.5 +
Cubase Pro 10 +
Cubase Pro 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 Pro
Our CPRs are also compatible with Nuendo 13!
Please contact us If you are using an earlier version of Cubase ( Cubase SX) for an earlier revision of the included CPR Files.
More vintage Drum Machine grooves & Genre specific shuffles like Elektron Machinedrum SPS-1 - Korg DDD - AkAI MPC 1000 - AKAI MPC 3000 - Notator SL etc Coming in Vol 2
( see below)
NB: we use Payhip as a payment gateway.

Groove Quantise
vol 2
Brand new collection of Groove Quantise presets in Midi format for Steinberg Cubase - All neatly tagged & named for simple drag & drop directly into your Quantise Panel.
All the classic shuffles & grooves from a plethora of classic Drum Machines, to give your Drum productions that KILLER edge. The pack includes:
A MASSIVE 349 Midi Groove presets from Classic Groove Boxes & Vintage hardware such as :
KORG DDD-1 (22 Grooves)
AKAI MPC 1000 (54 Grooves)
AkAI MPC 3000 (54 Grooves)
ELEKTRON SPS 1 & 2 (14 Grooves)
The pack also includes almost 200 Style Grooves for genre specific production grooves in various Styles & genres like:
Styles & Genres
SOUL-RnB & FUNK-(3/4 Time) (64 Grooves)
HIP HOP ( 3/4 Time) (60 Grooves)
HOUSE & CLUB 4/4 (40 Grooves)
TRANCE & PSY 4/4 (36 Grooves)
All Grooves:
(8th/16th/32nd/Triplet Grooves where appropriate NB.
Please note the Timebase (3/4 - 4/4) thats used for each groove set & SET the equivalent in your Transport Panel BEFORE Dragging into your Quantise Panel)
Please Note CUBASE 5.0 or higher is required for this pack.
Our Groove Quantise CPR is compatible with ALL Versions of Cubase, up to & including Cubase Pro 14 & Nuendo 13
Please contact us If you are using an earlier version of Cubase ( Cubase SX) for an earlier revision of the included CPR Files.
NB: We use Payhip as a payemnt gateway!