Here, at - We supply VST3 Presets * Audio Multisamples * Drum Kits * Synth Patches * Groove Quantize Presets * Midi Loops & a host of other content for Steinberg Cubase. All created with Love & comes with a granite guarantee, that all our content - every Pack & Preset is carefully crafted & sonically tuned for easy useage directly within Steinberg Cubase & Nuendo ( ALL Versions )
Please UPDATE your Media Bay Application to the latest version directly from Steinberg's website.
All our content is conveniently Meta-tagged & attributed properly for your sonic consumption available immediately within your Mediabay.
No Hassle - No Problem - groove on!

Groove Quantise Presets in MIDI format .
Our packs come with an included CPR file + ALL midi files
Simple Drag & Drop to the Quantise Panel.
Packs include Classic Drum machines & Beatboxes, Syle packs & extensive music Genres ( Hip Hop / Breakbeat / Cool Jazz / Afro / R & B / Rock etc)
Drum Machines like - Roland Tr909 / Akai MPC 60 / Ensoniq ASR -10 / Jomox XBase09 / AKAI MPC 4000.
Genre specific Banks for Steinbergs virtual Analogue based monster synth : Retrologue 2
Our Patches come complete with Midi Patterns & Arpeggio Patterns as standard, to help get your projects off the ground quickly.
Our banks are tagged & ready to go inside Mediabay, making your patch searching headaches a thing of the past.

Patch Banks made exclusively for the excellent Granular synthesis Instrument: Padshop Pro
Please Note : You have to have the PRO version, which allows 3rd party samples & content patches to be loaded within Padshop.
Bespoke Studio Drum Kits & Drum Machine Kits for Groove Agent SE & also Groove Agent 4 compatible.
All our Kits comes with Midi Patterns Banks included, with all the Pattern Pads already organised & Colour Coded for Intro/Verse/Chorus/Bridge/Fills etc, Giving you a headstart & making Drum Track Composition within Cubase a breeze, more info
Device panels
Patch Scripts
Hardware Device panels for controlling your external Studio hardware within Cubase. Most 3rd party Keyboards, ( Korg - Roland - Yamaha etc) Boutique Sound Modules & Effects Rack Units with a nice software based interface via Midi Control.
Sysex & Patch Scripts available for Legacy & New keyboards
Custom Device Panels are our speciality - Ask Us to do a Bespoke panel for your shiny new Synth or Effects Units!
Groove Agent SE is a compact & fully featured Instrument Multi - Sampler, although designed initially for Drums, We expose the beauty & power of this great sonic weapon, enabling you to easily host our range of extensive Multisampled Libraries & Sound Collections without the need for Groove Agent 5 or Halion 7.
PLEASE NOTE - Our Multi-Sample Packs will be available early June 2024' to ensure compatibility with Cubase Pro 13 & Nuendo 13

coming soon